an album for friendships, for sharing and playing
You are invited to participate and contribute
in any form or shape you prefer or like.
Free listening and free download.
Access to project files and multichannel stems/tracks.
SIDE A projects are available at album site
for listening, remixing, analysing and such!
Multitrack audio can be imported on your DAW for remixing,
muting existing tracks, playing along and/or
adding your own recorded materials.
You're encouraged to send back your works.
I will put them on a special sections on this site and all related social media accounts. Selected works will be awarded with CREATOOLS virtual instruments scheduled to release early 2022.
Stay tuned for more and come back and visit regularly here for updates!
Please like it if you do and support it by sharing
The SIDE A of the album is developing as we speak,
Please use chat for your comments, suggestions and info.