So I just downloaded the set up the 4 sections of OT Public orchestra and I have some stuff I couldn't figure out how to do, sorry if some of these are dumb, I am a beginner on using VST's.
-How do I add a single cello or viola? There are separate groups for a single violin and violins, but for others there are just cellos and violas, no singular cello or viola,
-Are there Vibrato settings anywhere?
-I don't understand the system at all on percussions, why is Marimba (for example) gets a semitone higher in every 4 keys or something, and that even is only in higher registers, it doesn't even change at all until A5 note, can someone explain or how do I fix this to make it go 1 semitone higher every other key like how it is supposed to be? Other tuned percussions have the same issue aswell
-not really a vst question but does anyone have a good combination on this vst for a good sounding whole brass ensemble, I find it really hard to make brass sound good in this vst. any tips and tricks?
Amazing samples btw, Thank you for making this accesible for everyone!