I downloaded and installed the OT PART plugin. Unfortunately Ardour has problems with using it. I did a full scan of all plugins and the following messages popped up in the Plugin Manager:
[Info]: Scanning: /usr/lib/vst/OT PART.so
[Info]: Found Plugin: 'dcbA' OT PART
[Info]: Saved VST2 plugin cache to /home/hans/.cache/ardour7/vst/988236f97f12aba67f9d052224c8a4e2ecbfd77b-x64.v2i
Ignoring plugin 'OT PART'. VST-ID conflicts with other plugin 'OT P1ANO II' files: '/usr/lib/vst/OT PART.so' vs '/home/hans/.vst/OT P1ANO S.so'
It seems that the OT PIANO S plugin has something to do with it.
What can I do?
Thanks for any help.
Hi Theo.
The linux versions are not compiled by me and i'm of a little help in Linux issues. But do check this post by the guy who compiled linux versions - i think it relates to your problem. Hope this helps. Regards,